I have brought my elderly mother to Hove on her annual visit to see her sister. Unfortunately, she is in a wheelchair.

When the weather in the city is fine, we have no problem getting around but, during our first week, it rained almost every day and this is where our problems started.

At first, we could not get a taxi for my mother and her wheelchair.

In the end, one arrived two hours after calling.

The next day, we telephoned four taxi companies and none could take a person in a wheelchair.

The following day one arrived after ten minutes but the driver had no idea how to handle a person in a wheelchair.

While Brighton and Hove is not very wheelchair-friendly, more worrying is the lack of taxi drivers trained in handling the disabled.

I am a volunteer with a disability charity and our director gives training to taxi firms and the like in the handling of people in wheelchairs.

They are charged for this service, which is good revenue for the charity, and it enables taxi companies to deal properly with disabled persons.

I suggest Brighton and Hove City Council get in touch with a local disabled charity and ask for its help.

-John Denny, Stafford