A cancer-stricken young father has spoken of his amazement at the overwhelming support he has received as an appeal total reached more than £40,000.

Neil Cooper said he was feeling good at the moment after recently undergoing a second bout of experimental chemotherapy for his condition. He was even able to cook a special anniversary dinner for his wife this week.

He is due to have a scan to see how the treatment has progressed next week.

The Argus launched an appeal earlier this year to pay for the cost of the trial treatment and generous readers and supporters have now raised a staggering £40,000.

Mr Cooper, 33, from Portslade, has cancer affecting his lungs and adrenal glands and was told in January he had only two months to live.

He is desperate to spend more time with his wife Wendy, 32, and their seven-month-old daughter Caitlin.

His only chance of survival is the trial treatment, which is not currently available on the NHS and costs £10,000 a session.

There is no guarantee the treatment will work but it gives him a chance to spend more precious time with his family.

Thanks to the fund-raising efforts of readers of The Argus, friends, colleagues, former school mates, footballing friends and many more, he now has that chance.

Mr Cooper has been struggling with the side effects of the treatment but this week he said he was feeling better than he had in a long time.

He was able to cook himself and Mrs Cooper a roast dinner to mark their third anniversary on Wednesday - the first time he has felt able to prepare a meal since he fell ill.

He has also been able to get out and about occasionally to enjoy the sunshine and he is looking forward to cheering on England in their first World Cup match tomorrow.

Mr Cooper said: "It has been absolutely amazing and we are all so very grateful.

"It has been overwhelming. I read the stories in the paper and I see that people who I used to know years ago are coming forward and doing what they can to help.

"There is so much love out there and I would like to thank everybody.

"Without everyone's support and help, I would have had no chance at all."

His brother Warren said: "We want to say an enormous thank you. If it wasn't for the good wishes and goodwill of everyone, we might not all be here as a family today. We will never forget that."

Cheques made payable to The Argus can be sent to: The Neil Cooper Appeal, Argus House, Crowhurst Road, Brighton, BN1 8AR. You can also donate by credit card. To make a card donation, call Elsa Gillio on 01273 544465 or email elsa.gillio@theargus.co.uk