How happy I was to read Sue Baumgardt's letter about the wild boar problem (The Argus, June 6) a voice of reason in a crazy world.

A person who takes pleasure in taking a human life is psychopathic. However, inflicting needless killing and suffering on animals who only wish to quietly live their lives - is an accepted social pastime.

Surely what is important is killing is morally wrong, while taking pleasure in the act is abhorrent. The more tenuous reasons given for hunting show some of those involved know it is unacceptable or they wouldn't invent such nonsense.

I accept there can be arguments in favour of culls in extreme circumstances but do they need to dress in red coats and blow horns to do this?

These individuals only wish to justify and preserve their fun. What a muddled world we have made.

-Daniel Weeden, Brighton