The Ocean Rooms opens for every Brazil and England game in the World Cup with massive after-parties.

It all kicks off with Jon Carter at the club's official World Cup launch party, after tomorrow's England v Paraguay game.

Jon Carter has long since completed his transformation from big beat also-ran to one of the house scene's leading lights and his past performances in Brighton should see his reputation preceeding him.

He's been doing the rounds for about 12 years now, having started as resident at London's Heavenly Social.

Highlights of his career including residencies for Bugged Out at Cream and at Fabric, playing Millennium eve at Sydney's Bondi Beach and playing to three million people at Brazil's largest carnival in Salvador.

It goes without saying that DJing at an official World Cup party in Brighton will soon be part of that list.

The Ocean Rooms has gone all out to celebrate the World Cup in typically glam fashion. Entrance to all football matches is free and those watching the games get into the following club nights free as well.

11pm-4am, from £5. Call 01273 699069.