Mini motorbike owners say they would pay to ride their machines at a proper site if one was provided.

Adur District Council carried out a survey to see if there is a demand for a dedicated mini-moto track locally. Of the 25 owners who replied all but two said they were willing to pay.

The council's development and scrutiny committee will consider a report on the findings on Thursday.

The survey was carried out in the wake of growing complaints about the bikes being driven illegally in public places.

Police have seized a number after their owners ignored warnings about using them on the roads.

Adur is considering if it should provide a site for them to use legally and where it should be. A track is already available at Brooklands Park in neighbouring Worthing.

Peter Davies, head of planning, says in his report: "It is unlikely that a dedicated facility in Adur will have an impact on antisocial or criminal use of these machines.

"Even if there was evidence that people would use a site in Adur, all those suggested have disadvantages and would be a cost to the council to set up and run."