A decision on Falmer stadium has been further delayed because Lewes District Council's High Court appeal is unlikely to be heard until October at the earliest.

Brighton and Hove Albion had hoped for watertight planning permission for the 22,000-seat arena by August after the Government offered to reconsider the application, following John Prescott's mistake in his original letter of approval.

But this week the council rejected the offer and decided to press on with its High Court action.

The case is not listed in the High Court for either June or July. The court then adjourns for a two-month summer break before resuming in October.

Albion chief executive Martin Perry admitted it was now impossible to put a timescale on the court proceedings. He claims the delay is costing the club £20,000-a-week in lost revenue.

Following the council's cabinet decision on Tuesday, the newly-formed Seagulls Party has called for council leader Ann De Vecchi to resign and fight a by-election on the issue.

Party leader Paul Samrah said: "The Seagulls Party considers the council is unfit to administer the district and we are calling upon the leader to resign.

"If Ann De Vecchi is so confident that local people will back her cabinet's stance then she will have no problem letting them have their say through the ballot box.

"We are ready and willing to fight the by-election that would result from her resignation."

Councillor De Vecchi said: "The Seagulls Party is purely a single issue party and the matter of who is fit to lead Lewes District Council is a decision for the district councillors.

"The decision to proceed to a court hearing by the cabinet was both unanimous and cross-party.

"All members were united in their disappointment at the refusal by the Government's solicitor to our reasonable request to guarantee a full and fair review of all our grounds for challenging John Prescott's defective decision.

"We are resolute in pursuing our case to uphold the council's planning policies and to fight Mr Prescott's discredited ruling.

"I do not intend to resign as council leader."

Meanwhile one disgruntled Albion fan has placed the council up for sale on internet auction site eBay, for 6p.

The listing states: "The council specialises in destroying the enjoyment of thousands of its own electorate and wasting public money on ill-advised court action, while important issues like flood control are forgotten about.

"Buy one before it gets voted out at the next local election. This offer does not include a state-of-the-art community football stadium."

A council spokeswoman said it was expecting to be advised of a court date by July and has asked for a hearing as early as possible.