In reply to Rob Alp (Letters, May 31), I fail to see how my looking on the bright side for animals in captivity can be thought sad.

It seems more like practical common sense to me, what with the rapid disappearance of suitable habitat for wildlife due mainly to humans taking over their once natural surroundings.

This, of course, was hardly noticed in Born Free times. So what else can be done to try to avoid complete extinction of these precious creatures?

The only alternative seems to be safari parks, wildlife centres and other sanctuaries.

Or perhaps Mr Alp has other ideas?

Many wild creatures have enough intelligence to adapt to new surroundings quite quickly - look at the cheeky penguins and urban foxes.

To quote Mr Alp, "they will die free" - yes, mostly due to starvation and neglect. Things out there ain't what they used to be.

-Ron Wood, Brighton