Christmas lights could decorate streets all the way from central Hove to Portslade if a new scheme is adopted.

The lights, which usually go up in George Street and part of Blatchington Road, could be extended as one of the benefits should Hove traders vote to make the area a Business Improvement District (BID).

Business leaders are looking at establishing a BID in Hove.

The move comes after Brighton traders in North Laine, North Street, the pedestrianised part of East Street, Meeting House Lane and Market Street voted for their area to become part of the scheme in a referendum last month.

They will pay about one per cent extra in business rates - some £300 a year - and elect their own BID board from among themselves.

The board will allocate the money to their chosen priority areas, for example Christmas lights, community safety and marketing.

The BID idea, imported from America, gives businesses independence from the council to raise their own money and decide on priority spending.

Plans to make the West Street area of Brighton a BID are also at an early stage.

Hove Business Association chairman Robin Wilson said members were very enthusiastic about setting up a BID in Hove.

Specific areas, which would at least incorporate main shopping streets, would be determined following a consultation.

The amount raised each year would depend on the number of businesses involved and the size of businesses, as larger firms pay more rates.

Mr Wilson said he would like to see Christmas lights extended to Church Road, Palmeira Square, Portland Road and on to Portslade, to bring businesses in the area together and attract more customers.

He said: "It's not just about Christmas lights. We could install CCTV cameras, arrange graffiti removal, hanging baskets and plants even improve roads and road signs.

"It would be independent of the council and it would attract even more trade into Hove."

The Business Forum led the first BID in Brighton, which was rushed through in time for this year's Christmas lights, and will oversee the next BID proposals.

Plans are at a very early stage for Hove and West Street but the forum will arrange a consultation for traders to respond to the idea and outline how they would like the money spent. If the response is positive a referendum will be held.

A forum spokeswoman said: "If it goes ahead, businesses will have control of the future for their area and a say in encouraging more people to visit their location. Control would come back into their hands."

Thursday, June 8, 2006