The first domestic wind turbine in Brighton and Hove could be up and running within months after winning councillors' approval.

Daren Howarth, the businessman behind Stanmer Park's eco-friendly Earthship housing development and the C Level carbon balancing company, will use the £1,500 turbine to power his house in Islingword Road, Brighton.

He will also get paid for any surplus electricity he puts into the National Grid.

Brighton and Hove city councillors raised concerns about the noise the turbine would make but granted temporary planning permission for 18 months.

Mr Howarth, 43, hopes the success of his scheme will trigger a wave of similar applications.

He said: "I'm really pleased and once the turbine is going, the noise concerns will become a non-issue.

"We are dealing with climate change and we need to be adventurous."

He is putting together a fact sheet for people interested in installing their own turbine.

Councillors praised Mr Howarth, saying he should be looked on as a pioneer.

Ward councillor Georgia Wrighton said: "We are looking at the dawn of a new development that will tackle the most serious issues facing humanity, global climate change, by harnessing the wind that is all around us."

Councillor Brian Fitch, a member of the planning committee, said: "This is a very serious and innovative move and we should support it wholeheartedly.

"This could be a way of reducing future nuclear power stations and a way of meeting the power needs of the city."

For a fact sheet contact Mr Howarth through the website