Guesthouses and bed and breakfasts are being offered support from a safety and advice campaign.

East Sussex County Council's trading standards service, borough council environmental health departments, East Sussex Fire And Rescue Service, Tourism South East and Disability Equals Business joined forces to launch the Fit For Purpose scheme.

The aim is to aid small businesses which provide tourist accommodation by helping them comply with the plethora of trade laws and safety rules.

A pack containing advice and support is available including a checklist to ensure businesses comply with all rules and regulations.

County council leader Peter Jones said: "The checklist identifies what businesses are doing right and where they may need advice from a participating service."

Businesses taking part in the campaign can send their completed checklists back to Trading Standards.

Officers then contact the relevant agency if further advice is necessary.

Once a business complies with all areas of legislation they will be issued with a certificate to show they participated in the scheme.

For details, contact Trading Standards on 01323 418201 or email .

Friday, April 28, 2006