Businesses in East Sussex are being urged to take advantage of £160,000 in EU funding to help them cut their energy, water and waste bills.

The East Sussex Betre project (Business Excellence Through Resource Efficiency) has been given the money to hold a series of free training events.

The next programme of events start this month and will be held at venues across the county until the end of May.

These include:

Simple utility management - practical advice on reducing overheads through waste minimisation, energy and water 0efficiency;

Cutting hospitality waste and utility costs;

Farm workshop: from efficiency to self-sufficiency - including information about using renewable energy generation and rainwater collection;

Marketing training - improving these skills for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that lack confidence and experience in marketing.

For more information, call Janette Ackroyd, EcoSys Environmental Management and Education, on 01273 245654 or email
Friday, March 31, 2006