I note with some dismay that Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) have had exactly the opposite effect to the one desired, which is is an ASBO confers "street cred" upon the unruly individual awarded such an order.

To remedy matters, can I respectfully suggest that instead of issuing these Orders, in future we despatch such individuals on Social Harmony Improvement Training.

Following that, such individuals could then announce to their friends and family far and wide that they were S-H-I-Ts.

And in concert with the recent politically correct concerns of not recognising those who work hard to achieve (we do not want to upset those who do not achieve because they prefer to stay in bed till noon each day) can I suggest those who do not respond well to this social training be awarded the highest recognition.

Then they could tell all family and friends that they were S-H-I-Ts of the highest order.

-Bemused of Ringmer, Name and address supplied