Have the water boards not heard of reverse osmosis?

It has been used by Dutch cannabis growers for years. It requires no distillation and removes everything, including salt.

Coca Cola used it to produce pure water and it is, in effect, a filter.

Surely taking water from the sea would be cheaper than pumping it from the ground.

Now if we combine this with hydroponics, which uses ten per cent of the amount of water needed for conventional growing, deserts could flower.

Another advantage of hydroponics is the environment is totally controlled, making it possible to grow organic crops as uniform and large as any in Tesco.

What is more, three or four crops a year could be harvested.

With hydroponics and reverse osmology, crops could be grown anywhere, using the sun as a source of power for pumps etc.

It must be worth looking into, for the pollution reduction alone.

-John Britton, Bognor Regis