As a student of linguistics and epistomology, I was not surprised only one person understood my recent letter about Mike Tyson.

This lack of the ability to think clearly and logically hinders the human race in its quest to improve and evolve.

As I said before, Mr Tyson is not a rapist. In fact, all we can accurately say is he was found guilty by a jury of the act of rape.

We are all aware of the Guildford Four and the Birmingham Six and their guilt, aren't we?

The Bible carries the profound message "Judge not lest ye be judged yourself".

These words of wisdom help us move beyond moralistic opinions.

I will not judge a person until I have met and got to know them and thus lack the arrogance of those who have already made up their minds about Mr Tyson.

Language is a tool with which we "try" to express our understanding of the world but, by its very nature, language will always distort, delete and generalise our experience.

Dipping into transformational linguistics and general semantics would help reduce this problem.

-Simon Boyd, Newhaven