British time trial champion Michael Hutchinson, who recently signed for Sussex club In Gear, has won the first major event of the season.

He stormed round a tough 25-mile course near Potters Bar in 59min.14sec to win the classic North Road Hardriders event. Michael Broadwith (Arctic RT) was second in 1hr.0min.9sec.

The race was Hutchinson's last before he leaves for Australia where he will represent Northern Ireland in the Commonwealth Games.

Worthing rider Chris McNamara (Wild Side RT) was narrowly beaten in a sprint finish at the San Fairy Ann CC 32-mile race at London's Eastway Circuit.

He finished second behind former Commonwealth Games bronze medallist Tony Gibb (Plowman Craven).

The popular Eastway Circuit will be demolished in September to make way for London's Olympic Games village.

A decision will be made soon about the site for a replacement circuit.

Polegate rider James Dear (In Gear) finished third in the Redhill CC 19-mile hilly time trial. Dear clocked 49min.26sec while the winner, Paul Pickup (Agiscover), recorded 46min.30sec.

A team from new club Horsham CC were well placed in a circuit race held at Portsmouth's Mountbatten Centre.

Dave Homewood finished second and Andy Bristow and Malcolm Rowe were fifth and sixth.

Graeme Stirzaker (A3 CRG), from Bracklesham Bay, finished fourth in 24min.36sec in his club's open ten-mile event near Petersfield.

His clubmate, Petersfield rider Ben Instone, won in a record 22min.29sec.

Petworth's Dave Shepherd (Liphook Cycles) finished fifth in 25min.17sec.

The Sussex CA have a good entry for their time trial on Sunday over a 23-mile circuit (8.30am).

An early test will be the tough climb from Staplefield Green up to Handcross.

Among the favourites are Tim Mardell (VC Etoile), Stewart Jardine (21st Century Airports), James Dear and Dave Shepherd.