Bob Geldof has praised a charity album released to raise money for sexual health education.

Rock star and human rights campaigner Sir Bob said the album produced by charity Bottletop was "amazing music".

Five DJs from Brighton and Hove, including Adam Freeland and Bonobo, contributed to the release, which gives African music a Western spin.

Founder Cameron Saul, 24, from Brighton, said: "We wanted to take something exciting from Africa and redesign or remix it to give it more of a European flavour, so it would reach a wider audience. It covers Afro-beat and funk from the Sixties to modern day."

Bottletop also sent the Sound Effects Malmaison album to Glastonbury organiser Michael Eavis and house DJ Paul Oakenfold, both of whom were impressed.

Cameron set up Bottletop after spending his gap year working in Uganda with Student Partnerships Worldwide, educating children about sexual health.

He noticed amazing bags made out of bottletops in a local market and brought the idea home with him.

While working for fashion house Mulberry in London he ordered samples of the bags and persuaded the company to help redesign and sell them.

Cameron set up Bottletop as a registered charity so the bags could be used for fundraising.

It now has offices in London and Brighton.

He said: "I think a lot of people feel a bit disillusioned by the big corporate charities.

The approach we have taken is to use mediums that young people respond to like music and fashion.

"But the money is going to organisations that work on a shoe-string and are handled locally."

The company now sells Bottletop clothing, accessories and brightly coloured pin badges.

The Malmaison album is for sale in Resident and Rounder record shops in Brighton and Bottletop is working on a follow-up with Brazilian music.

Money raised from the sales all goes to fund sexual health education projects in Africa and the UK. Many African countries have been crippled by the Aids crisis and sexually transmitted diseases in the UK have risen at an alarming rate in recent years.

Cameron said: "Education goes beyond politics and corruption. It's the one thing which is just undeniably valuable. Sexual health education in the UK is equally vital."

To buy any Bottletop products, donate or find out more about the charity go to