Tony Booker calling for more visible policing (Letters, February 7) is yet another voice adding to the already large number of people clamouring for this to be put into practice in Brighton and Hove.

Last year, I initiated the Bring Back Our Bobby (BOB) campaign.

Although this recognises more officers are needed in other areas of policing as well, the campaign seeks to install a 24-hour bobby at the Clock Tower.

This is of prime importance - visible policing is a deterrent and it works.

I don't blame Ken Jones or any other officers for the demise of the beat bobby. The blame lies fairly and squarely with the Labour Government.

It is a lack of resources and the sheer weight of bureaucracy which is the problem.

Police should be able to police the community, not be office workers, filling in forms.

Please can we have our bobby at the Clock Tower back?

More information about the BOB campaign can be found on

-Mike Weatherley, Brighton