Your report on the pub landlord who faced a high water bill for a leak should send a shudder down the spine of everyone who has signed up to having a water meter installed (The Argus, November 2).

If a fault occurs in an electricity supply, the result is seen quickly.

But a water leak between the meter and a house may not be detected for a long time.

If the leak is relatively small, it may never be known and the consumer is paying for something without realising it. Long distances between the meter and the property make a potential water loss even greater.

No one wants to waste water in this area - we know only too well about hosepipe bans. We need some response from the water companies quickly or I for one will insist on my meter being removed.

I have proof in writing that I can insist my meter is removed as part of the agreement for having it in the first place.

-Anthony C Seaman, Southwick