Brighton call centre Inkfish has been chosen by Virgin Holidays to help handle sales enquiries for its destinations in Florida and the Caribbean.

A team of Inkfish advisers will go on educational visits to the holiday destinations in December following a month-long training programme.

Stewart Baird, sales and operations director at Virgin Holidays, said: "We were aware that Inkfish had a huge amount of travel knowledge in their Brighton call centre and were keen to take advantage of this.

"They were also able to prove to us that they can reflect our own brand values, which is crucial in presenting a seamless service to our customers.

Steve Morris, Inkfish operations manager, said: "This is fantastic news for us.

"Virgin Holidays is a premier and successful brand in the travel marketplace and were really looking forward to working with them.

"We have similar cultures and a shared commitment to customer service, which makes it a very good fit."