Football is many things to many people and here it becomes a metaphor for human emotion - there are ups, there are downs but there might not be extra time (and the middle bit might be so boring, you don't want it anyway).

Through the eyes of an ageing football connoisseur, this experimental play looks at dreams and aspirations and observes how lives can change in that all-important 90 minutes.

From his barstool, Mr Yupa dispenses football wisdom. From behind the bar, the landlord puts the world to rights.

One grips the bar with white knuckles, the other clings to his pint.

With a musical score that's varied to say the least (including Argentinian tango, Dvorak and Benny Goodman) audiences are taken on a journey of emotions, as three performers reveal the complexities of male relationships.

The play is inspired by Fadni Odpoledne, a short story by the acclaimed Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal, who also wrote Oscar-winning film Closely Observed Trains.

It was developed with support from Arts Council England and Lottery Awards For All and premiered at last year's Edinburgh Festival to glowing reviews.

Starts 8pm, tickets £9 and £7. Call 01273 647100.