People are being asked to sign a pledge to help tackle climate change.

Crawley Borough Council has launched the Crawley Pledge on Climate Change to encourage residents and businesses to play their part.

The pledge hopes to raise awareness and to inspire residents and local organisations to reduce impacts on the environment.

The authority is encouraging people to cut down on energy and water consumption, reduce and recycle rubbish and decrease the amount of pollution from car use.

The council thinks that climate change is of great concern to the community and is asking people to make their commitment by signing the pledge.

It has been estimated that Crawley releases 650,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, averaging at about six tonnes per person.

Residents could get grants and discounts for insulating their home and fitting solar heating. To find out more contact the West Sussex Energy Advice Centre on 0800 512 012.

Companies can get free advice on cutting bills for energy, water, waste and transport.

To sign the pledge, visit the council's web site or alternatively contact the council's environment unit on 01293 438543.

Monday, October 24, 2005