It is the marriage break-up thousands of motorists have been talking about.

Drivers saw the start of the drama last week when a banner was hung over a bridge over the A27 in Brighton bearing the initials JBS and the words: "Wendy, I want a divorce".

Now it seems Wendy has taken her revenge.

A new banner went up yesterday saying: "No way - you are the cheat! Wendy".

Brighton's answer to Kramer vs Kramer are not the first warring couple to air their dirty laundry in public.

At the weekend it was revealed Hollywood actor Jude Law is no longer talking to former girlfriend Sienna Miller after discovering she had an affair with one of his best friends.

These days it is almost as common for celebrities to row in public than to make displays of affection.

There has been a trend for pop singers to record anti-love songs criticising former partners rather than praising them.

Last year American chart-topper Eamon released (F U) I Don't Want You Back, about a former girlfriend who had betrayed him.

It was followed up by a single, apparently by his ex, entitled F U Right Back.

But relationship counsellors warn that although high-profile gestures like this might give a temporary thrill of revenge, they are no solution to working through the fallout from a break-up. Trish Owen, manager of the marriage guidance service Relate, in Preston Road, Brighton, said: "People need to talk to each other but it is often very difficult to do that.

"This is a way of expressing anger very publicly. It is not very constructive."

She said the back-to-school period and post-Christmas were Relate's busiest times.

Solicitor Martin Cray, whose practice is based in Edward Street, Brighton, said: "The only way you can start a divorce is to issue it through the courts."

Family law specialist Elizabeth Taylor, of Edward Harte & Co in Pavilion Parade, saw the sign from her car.

She said: "I suppose you could say it indicates that inhibitions about divorce are down now.

"They're starting to sell divorce cards.

"It is more of a celebration than a regret.

"It is quite fun but there is probably a sad story behind it.

"You wouldn't get anyone over 25 doing that."

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