In reply to Peter Lilley (Letters, September 1), thank God for Councillor Peter Willows, who is not afraid to speak out about the excesses of Gay Pride.

He seems to be in a minority of one on Brighton and Hove City Council in his opposition to the gay agenda. Other councillors seem to prefer egging them on.

The gay community is not under-represented on the council. All the main parties contain homosexuals and their allies.

Mr Lilley says 20 per cent of the local population is gay, which means 80 per cent is not. So why should they have extra representation?

We are now known as the gay and drugs capital of Britain, surely not something the council can take pride in?

This is a dangerous road to be travelling down and does not just involve the gay scene but the new lap-dancing clubs, sex shops, public drunkenness and disrespect for authority

The result will be a decadent and morally-corrupt culture.

-Alan Nunn, Hove