Seventies heart-throb Donny Osmond made a quick trip to Sussex to sign copies of his new autobiography.

The American singer visited Littlehampton Book Services, a book distribution firm in Durrington, Worthing, where he signed 2,500 copies of his book, Life Is Just What You Make It, which was published on Monday by Orion.

The signed books will be sold during a short tour of book shops in the UK.

Gaby Young, senior publicity manager at Orion, said the celebrity had received an amazing response to his book.

She said: "We went to the Lakeside shopping centre in Thurrock and there was so much screaming it was like a rock concert.

Donny signed 728 books in two hours.

"There has been a lot of interest in his book and we expect it to reach the top ten in the best-seller lists next week."

Donny will be returning to Sussex in the autumn when he will be back on stage.

He will be performing at the Brighton Centre on October 13.