A wanted man's kissed goodbye to his girlfriend seconds after police swooped to arrest him yesterday.

Dressed for the sun in shorts and T-shirt, the man and his girlfriend were at Gatwick and about to board a plane for Barcelona.

They were in a queue for the easyJet desk when four Brighton officers moved in.

The suspect, from Brighton, is charged with biting a Brighton policeman and with an assault which tore off part of a man's scalp.

Police said they had evidence for a possible further charge and intelligence he was about to leave the country.

The four Brighton officers drove to Gatwick determined to detain him before he flew out.

The suspect looked shocked as PCs Alex Evans, Andy Boucher, Dan Richardson and Ruth Sleigh, just two weeks into her career, led him away from the queue.

He repeatedly protested and while the officers expressed sympathy they made it clear they were not leaving without him.

He said: "I can't believe it ... what are you arresting me for?"

Tears welled up in his eyes as realised his trip to Barcelona would not happen and he would have to say goodbye to his girlfriend.

She wept as they hugged and said goodbye.

He came peacefully and was held by the arms and led outside to a police van, leaving his girlfriend in the easyJet queue, apparently still intent on travelling.

Some members of the public watching the arrest were shocked.

With airports on high alert the Brighton officers were quick to reassure anyone asking what was happening.

The suspect was driven back to Brighton and a cell at the police custody centre at Hollingbury.

Inspector Nev Kemp, of Brighton police, said: "We believe this man may have been trying to abscond out of the country and we were determined this would not happen.

"Sussex Police has a drive on at the moment to tackle violent crime, from so-called minor assaults right up to the serious attacks. Yesterday's operation shows we are quite prepared to travel and go to any lengths to investigate offences and to bring offenders to justice.

"There is a 100 per cent commitment on our part.

"Commit violent crimes and we will track you down."