A young father stabbed to death following a long-running feud was last night being mourned by his family and friends.

Police officers called to reports of a disturbance in Churchill Avenue, Ore, Hastings, found 25-year-old Matthew Jones bleeding to death.

Mr Jones, a former welder, was discovered critically ill near a £150,000 three-bedroom terraced housing association property in the road.

He was taken to the Conquest Hospital, St Leonards, where futile attempts were made by surgeons to save him.

Last night the first picture was released of murder victim Mr Jones, cradling his baby son Caleb in his arms.

After Mr Jones was pronounced dead on Tuesday evening, Sussex Police launched a murder inquiry that has so far yielded three arrests.

Two men, aged 19 and 21, and a 39-year-old woman, all from Hastings, were being questioned by detectives last night.

Forensic experts spent yesterday examining the terraced house near where Mr Jones was found stabbed.

He lived at the house next door with his partner, Shirley-Anne Simpson, their 20-month-old son Caleb and Miss Simpson's two children, Lisa, nine, and Levi, eight.

A single bunch of flowers had been placed on the doorstep of Mr Jones's family home but there was no one at the house.

Neighbours, who declined to be named, reported hearing a man arguing with a woman around the time of the attack at about 3.30pm on Tuesday.

Others said the estate, in Hastings' deprived Ore area, had been plagued by recent cases of antisocial behaviour.

Householders said the house being searched by police was occupied by a woman in her 30s and her two sons.

One elderly neighbour said they were "nice and helpful" and the "boys often helped to carry her shopping".

Yesterday, Mr Jones' grieving family described him as a "loving, caring father".

They said he knew those who attacked him and his death was the culmination of a long-running dispute.

A family spokesman said: "He had taken on his partner's two children which had caused him quite a lot of financial hardship.

"He was a really nice guy, the sort of chap who would stand up for his rights but not a troublemaker.

"The details of what happened are still a little sketchy but we understand he was set upon by a group of people near his home, one of who stabbed him to death.

"It's such a tragedy as those three kids have been left without a father."

Mr Jones's sister was flying from her home in Spain while his brother, a police detective, lives in Horsham.

A Home Office pathologist was carrying out a post-mortem examination on Mr Jones late yesterday.

Sussex Police appealed to anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

Detective Inspector Mark Ling, of Hastings CID, said: "Officers are currently carrying out inquiries in the area but we are still anxious to hear from anyone who may have seen what happened or has information about this incident."

Anyone with information is asked to call the Operation Velvet incident room on 0845 6070999 or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555111.