Shop owners and businesses held a summer party as part of the campaign to make Christmas sparkle with some of the best lighting displays ever.

The fund-raising event in Brighton Square, organised by the Lanes Business Network, gave traders the opportunity to discuss displays planned for the Christmas period.

The party was based in the one vacant shop in The Lanes.

Sue Addis, owner of Donatello restaurant and a fund-raiser for the network, and its chairman Stuart Wilkie, who runs Charlie Barley, the children's boutique in Meeting House Lane, were among those attending.

Mr Wilkie said: "We want to give the Lanes of Brighton one of the best lighting displays ever.

"We want to see Brighton Square, East Street, Prince Albert Street, Meeting House Lane, Market Place all linked with lights, possibly continuing into Ship Street.

It will be one hell of a challenge but with the help of everyone we can make it."

The event was part of the campaign by The Argus to bring Christmas back to Brighton.

Thursday, September 8, 2005