An architecture award will be presented to a new £14 million city library next week.

Brighton and Hove's Jubilee Library will receive the award for the best public building in the South-East from the Royal Institute of British Architects.

About 40 architects are expected to attend the ceremony on Wednesday.

The library, designed by London-based Bennetts Associates and Brighton's Lomax Cassidy and Edwards, opened in March to critical acclaim.

More than 10,000 people visited the building in its first three days of opening.

Sue John, chairwoman of Brighton and Hove City Council's culture and tourism sub-committee, said: "Thanks to some fantastic partnership work the Jubilee Library has been recognised as a landmark building.

"This is not only for its striking appearance but also for its value to the local community and the way it makes use of natural heat and light.

"Innovative and thoughtful architecture has made the library a birlliant place for people to browse, relax and study."