Campaigners have vowed to continue their fight to save a church from closure.

About 100 people packed a meeting to support moves to save St Leonard's Church in Hove.

The historic building in New Church Road faces the axe as part of a review of the future of 54 churches in Brighton and Hove.

Members of the 50-strong congregation fear the site, used as a place of worship since 1246, could be lost forever if their campaign fails.

But the rector, the Reverend Stephen Terry, said there were plans to keep the building in use if religious services end. One of the options being considered by Chichester Diocese is a conference centre.

Zoe Cambell-Smith, of the Friends of St Leonard's, said: "The meeting was very positive and people were very concerned. A number of ideas were suggested, including starting a petition and looking at ways to raise money.

"We were told Constable painted the church and pictures of it have been sold. If we can find out who has the commercial rights to those pictures it could be a way of raising money.

"The bursar of a local school is organising a petition in support of us as pupils use the church for their Christmas service.

"We will hold another meeting once we have had a chance to consider all the points and ideas raised."

Mr Terry has been team rector of both St Leonard's and nearby St Philip's Churches for 16 years.

St Philip's was recommended for closure in the first report on the future of the city's churches. St Leonard's was put on the "at risk" list but members of the congregation thought they had nothing to fear.

The position was reversed after a second review and the Friends of St Leonard's launched an 11th-hour bid to save it.

Mr Terry said: "I thought the friends put their case over very well. The final decision is not up to me but their views will be listened to."

A report on the second review is with the Bishop of Chichester, the Right Reverend John Hind, who will make a decision in due course.