In response to Peter Lilley's letter ("Gay people should have more of a say", September 1), as a resident of Hangleton in Peter Willows' ward, I would like to say the view he expressed is shared by many of the 80 per cent (Mr Lilley's own estimate) of the non-gay population of Brighton and Hove.

I am a grandfather of eight children and I would like to take them to the Pride Parade and Carnival, but I have certain standards of decency, which, unfortunately, a small section of the gay community obviously do not.

Is it necessary to flaunt bare breasts and bottoms? I think not.

I would like to see the parade as a Mardi Gras, where everybody takes part. It could then be the biggest celebration of integration in Europe.

But it won't be all the time the likes of Mr Lilley want to keep it all-gay. The gay people I know do not share Mr Lilley's view and deplore the lowering of standards.

He sneers at "normal" people but perhaps he should remember he would not be here if it wasn't for "normal" people. To the best of my knowledge, nature has not yet changed enough to allow two gays to conceive.

I feel sad there still exists the "them and us" attitude. Let's all live together, accept well-meaning criticism and live in harmony.

Mr Lilley can then drop his attitude and I can look forward to taking my grandchildren to the parade.

-Ron Jameson, Hangleton