So, Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Company will "certainly" be forced to put up ticket prices because of escalating fuel costs (The Argus, September 3).

I am aware of the successes achieved by the company and can only applaud them but but I do not wish to read any more self-congratulatory press releases.

I am often in Newcastle, where it is possible to travel long distances on many buses for 70p. And, no, the inhabitants are not noticeably poorer than we in Brighton are.

Last time I travelled in central London (not so recently, so I am prepared to be corrected on this), there was a flat-rate fare of £1.

Tickets had to be purchased in advance, of course, but don't we owe this to our bus drivers anyway to reduce their huge stress levels?

So please, let's think again before any more knee-jerk "prices will have to go up" responses. Do we really want to encourage people back on public transport or is it all hot air?

-Val Cane, Brighton