Once again, Sussex Police give a spurious justification (Letters, September 3) for their controversial policing of the Anti-War demo in Brighton on August 13.

The "slightly varied" route of the Peace demo on August 20, which I attended, involved a tour of the back streets of the North Laine area.

While less traffic disruption was caused, the purpose of the march was greatly diminished due to a much less visible presence on Brighton's streets.

If police had allowed the march on August 13 to continue down North Street and past the Pavilion to The Level, it would have been over within 20 minutes and disruption would have been minimal. As it was, North Street was blockaded by police lines for more than an hour.

Besides, if larger areas of Brighton city centre were pedestrianised

in line with most other European cities, traffic disruption wouldn't be such an issue.

-David Hills, Brighton