It is correct that Brighton and Hove City Council should bring to notice the irresponsible dog owners who are too lazy or too posh to pick up their dog's poo.

It is illegal to foul the city's open spaces and those responsible are liable to be fined up to £1,000 but when has a case ever gone to court?

To make a citizen's arrest is not easy and unless the situation improves, the council must force dog owners to have a dog licence, the number of which should be attached to the dog collar, thus making it easier for the public to put a stop to dog fouling.

I cannot understand spending council tax money on brightly-coloured poo bags when supermarket plastic carrier bags would suffice. I find the bags which suggest "every little helps" very adaptable for the job.

I wish The Argus would set up a campaign to encourage citizens to take pride in our city.

-Roy V Hilliard, Portslade