A public inquiry to look at whether to go ahead with road improvements at a notorious bottleneck began yesterday.

Planning expert Rob Sparker will decide whether the Highways Agency should go ahead with plans for a new road bridge to replace a level crossing on the A27 at Beddingham, between Lewes and Polegate.

The plans, part of a £19 million improvement programme for the A27, have the backing of business groups Sussex Enterprise, Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce and the Brighton and Hove Business Forum.

Mark Froud, chief executive at Sussex Enterprise, said: "Traffic congestion costs Sussex businesses £2 billion each year.

"The pollution caused by vehicles sitting in traffic jams at a rail crossing for 40 minutes is not only unacceptable but is wasted time in business terms."

The A27 Action Group says the new bridge will ruin an area of outstanding natural beauty and will not solve congestion problems.

The inquiry is being held at Pelham House, St Andrews Lane, Lewes.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005