With reference to Councillor Keith Taylor's crucial September 12 vote on the proposed 750 flats at the King Alfred site, exactly what does "Green" mean?

Does it mean 750 washing machines and 750 dishwashers?

Does it mean 2,000 lavatories flushing and 2,000 showers a day?

Does it mean hundreds of new residents' cars?

Does it mean a crisis regarding hospitals, doctors, dentists and schools?

If approved, this project will be an enormous environmental catastrophe jammed on to a small bit of public land, now council-owned but being given to a private developer for his profit.

This isn't town planning. It's town cramming. This development is unsustainable. Our infrastructure cannot possibly handle it.

If Councillor Taylor is really Green, he can only vote against.

-William Tessier, Hove