May I congratulate Brighton and Hove City Council and The Green Ridge Committee for the way they have managed the area of outstanding beauty, Green Ridge, over the past few years to encourage the growth of wild flowers and grassland.

I have walked my dogs on Green Ridge, adjacent to Mill Road, since 1983 and have seen it develop into a wonderful garden of wild flowers.

This year, I decided to log all I could see and, with the aid of three books on the subject, I counted 57 species, including the interesting titles of Lady's Bedstraw, Bristly Ox Ear and Spotted Cats Ear.

I also counted about 50 Marble White Butterflies in the area in one morning.

If anyone would like a list of these flowers, they can email me or send a stamped addressed envelope and I will provide them with one.

I have attached a picture of these flowers by the Patcham Windmill taken last month.

The nature wardens and Brighton and Hove City Council should keep up the good work. Green Ridge is a treasure.

Robin Durant, Brighton,

Dangers of the new library

During the past few weeks, there have been two fire alarms at the Jubilee Library in Brighton.

I was disappointed to realise there are no visual warnings to alert deaf people of the alarms. It is a building built in the 21st Century but yet again the needs of deaf people have been neglected.

The staff evacuate the library slowly - the staff then take themselves off to safety while the public wait in the entrance hall wondering what is happening.

The quadrangle outside the library is not a safe place to wait.

Sue Underwood

-St Catherines Terrace, Hove