I was very interested to read the letter by Clive Hopper (August 26) about the low price paid to farmers for milk.

This low price had an effect on thousands of jobs throughout the country, when the dairies could not compete with the supermarkets once the controlled price of milk was scrapped.

Management, office staff, dairy workers, machine management and staff, motor mechanics, milkmen etc, were almost wiped out due to that decision.

To many milkmen, like myself, it was a lifetime job, starting off by working for one-man dairies seven days a week and no holidays.

What a shock it was when, after 49 years, we were told we were being made redundant and the dairy closed.

We know life must advance but how friendly it was to see and hear the milkmen, the baker, the fisherman etc, coming around the streets in all weathers. Has life really got better in every respect?

-Frank Edwards, Brighton