"Nothing more than a bunch of drink-ravaged show-offs who can't be bothered learning lines so they just turn up and wing it" is how one Improviser describes this show.

But anyone who has seen Whose Line Is It Anyway?, the hit TV programme whose alumni include all this show's participants, will know there's a lot more - and a lot more laughs - to improvised comedy than that.

Led by the very tall and very loud Steve Frost, guest starring Phil Jupitus and consisting of some of the country's most time-honoured comedians, The Improvisers have in the past few years performed everywhere from London's Comedy Store and the Glastonbury Festival to Hong Kong and Singapore.

Previous shows have covered performance styles as diverse as Shakespeare and film noir, depicting everything from a bunch of patientless dentists to George Bush searching for the Brooklyn Bridge. But there's no telling what will happen in Worthing - this is a show where the content and direction is decided entirely by audience heckles.

"There's no chat show host so the audience are there immediately with their suggestions," explains Frost.

"Plus we can say and do naughtier things than you get away with on TV. The audience shouts things out, we act them out and then the audience laughs. It's fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants stuff."

"It helps when the audience has some kind of imagination," adds Jupitus, who has joined the team at Glastonbury for the past few years.

"Sometimes you ask for a genre of theatre and people will go 'theatre'. I'm going, 'Well that's kind of hard to do.'

Then you ask for a form of cinema and they go 'films'.

"But generally there are no real wrong answers or right answers in improvisation. All things can end up working well."

As a a team captain on Never Mind The Buzzcocks for nearly ten years, Jupitus has had plenty of experience at off-the-cuff comedy. But live improvisation brings new pitfalls.

"Something I hadn't done before was to work in a team," he explains.

"And with The Improvisers it's great because they're all so brilliant. The hardest bit is just keeping a straight face."

Starts 7.45pm, Tickets £15, Call 01903 206206