It is disappointing The Argus should give such prominence to a letter from Councillor Peter Willows (August 26) for another of his regular attacks on Brighton and Hove's gay community.

On this occasion, he tries to have us believe he's not objecting to the Pride parade as such but what might be termed a legal technicality - that if some of the more outrageously dressed (or undressed!) participants wandered around like that any other day of the week, they would be arrested for indecent exposure.

"It makes you think," says Councillor Willows.

What it makes me think is why the Tories continue to support this man - particularly since the party now likes to portray itself as being inclusive.

I also think how I would feel if I was a gay person living in Hangleton and Knoll, the ward Councillor Willows supposedly represents. Would I feel confident in going to him with a problem?

I always thought that whatever their political colours or personal prejudices, once elected, councillors were there to represent all sections of the community.

Councillor Willows says the gay and lesbian community is very fragile to criticism.

My criticism of the gay community is that, considering it is estimated that up to 20 per cent of the population of Brighton and Hove identify themselves as being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, we should be playing a far more prominent role in the running of the city - both in business and on the council.

We've become far too complacent. Too many of us are grovellingly grateful for being earmarked one day a year to show the rest of the city we're here in our

thousands. And people like Councillor Willows would appear to begrudge us even that.

Let's hope we never reach the day when the Pride parade is made up exclusively of what he would presumably consider "normal" people like himself.

The great strength of the gay community and what makes it so colourful, vibrant and fun is its sheer diversity.

And if people are of such a sensitive disposition they feel uncomfortable at seeing a bared breast or bottom, the solution is an obvious one - stay away from the Pride parade.

-Peter Lilley, Hove