Graham Howson (Letters, August 26) says the majority of people disagree with more flexible licensing hours but I suspect most of these people are tucked up in bed when the pubs close, so they don't know what they are talking about.

Their opinions are based on what they have read in scaremongering newspapers.

The theory that an extra hour or two will merely delay the emergence of the "11 o-clock mob" is wrong. Anyone who frequents bars which currently have late licences knows many people don't actually stay until closing time. They simply leave when they are ready, rather than en masse.

We need to get rid of the current restrictive laws and allow people to drink at their own pace rather than guzzle as much as they can in the limited time available.

And let's leave the French out of this discussion. They may be the model of civilised drinking but this country is not France and never will be.

The example of the French should not be used to deny British people the freedom to enjoy their social lives as they please.

-Adrian Durrant, Eastbourne