I find Superintendent Kevin Moore's statements extraordinary and disingenuous.

"Massive disruption" was only caused by huge over-policing, three cordons of police blocking the city

centre roads and pavements, with intimidating and aggressive policing, using dogs and a helicopter to boot.

Had the peaceful demonstration been allowed to proceed, it would have calmly walked down one side of the road, passing by any one point in five minutes. No disruption would have been caused to shoppers.

Instead, the city centre was jammed by more police than peace protesters.

I dare not guess how much this cost the people of Brighton and Hove. Sadly, the cost is not just financial but democracy and freedom of expression is under severe threat in Brighton.

This was a community - families, children in buggies, young and old people - protesting against a bomb-making factory in our midst.

No one is fooled by the arrests of those brave enough to speak out in the face of aggressive intimidation.

Bobbies or bullies? Everyone who was in the city centre that day knows the answer.

-Aly Cato, legal observer, smashEDO march, Brighton