In response to Trevor Pateman (Letters, August 2), I would like to point out the West Pier Trust is not defunct and is still working hard to save the pier - as can be seen by taking a look at a statement on its web site,

"The joint working party of the Trust, Brighton and Hove City Council and English Heritage remains in place considering lines of action towards the development of a New West Pier combining elements of the old pier (heritage retention) in a high-quality contemporary setting (future heritage creation).

"We wish to let members know that the officers of the Trust are very active; and that the signs are positive."

us would like to see.

The more support the Trust has, the more there is a likelihood of something being built and then the sooner the portacabins will go.

What is all this talk of small nudges? Surely The Argus is not all powerful.

-Benjamin Robinson, Haywards Heath