Hundreds of people could give up their jobs and start trading on the internet after attending the eBay university.

A one-day course in trading on the online auction web site is being held at the Hilton Brighton Metropole Hotel on Saturday where Marc Sinclair will talk about how he makes a living online.

Mr Sinclair, of Kingsway, Hove, had been a casting director for eight years and an actor before but gave up on showbusiness when he found he could make more money selling film and television memorabilia on the site.

He said: "It is extraordinary, what a resource. I started trading in April 2004 as a joke and was gobsmacked at the possibilities.

"I started off selling a few pieces of Doctor Who memorabilia I had and it went from there.

"Now it's a full time job and it's the most wonderful thing I have ever done."

He regularly visits car boot sales to pick up pieces of memorabilia at knock down prices and sells them online where they can be bought by people anywhere in the world.

He said: "I've been having my loft converted and there's a lot of stuff in there that there's a market for.

"The site is a place for anything, from the avant garde to the normal everyday items. I sell gold items, CDs, DVDs and videos."

The course will be led by Dan Wilson, eBay's community manager and author of the book Make Money On eBay UK.

Mr Wilson grew up in Brighton and has been working for the firm since 2000.

He said Brighton and Hove should have a strong presence on eBay as the city was full of interesting, shops selling memorabilia, fashion and antiques.

The course runs from 9.30am to 4.30pm. To book a place, visit