A SEASIDE resort is fighting to rid itself of the drug problem that is plaguing the town and the fear of crime felt by its residents.

Eastbourne is popular as one of Sussex's top holiday spots and police and council bosses are eager for it to stay that way by stamping out crime and social problems.

A public consultation has resulted in a "hit list" of priorities for beating crime in the town.

It has been drawn up by police, Eastbourne Borough Council and Eastbourne Responsible Authorities Partnership.

More than 75 per cent of those residents asked agreed the plan covered the top issues.

These were fear of crime, traffic problems, poverty, housing and social issues, youth crime and also drug and alcohol abuse.

A plan has been drawn up to deal with the problems, including more community policing, improved management of the town's many bedsits and increased education for the young on social issues.

Supt Royce Hipgrave of Eastbourne police said he welcomed the plan.

"Sussex Police is committed to community policing," he said.

"This shows that the people of Eastbourne want more of it. "We must not lose sight of the strong connection between drugs and crime. Reducing illegal drugs will reduce crime.

"I think we're now on track to produce an effective community safety plan that will make Eastbourne a safer place."

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