Is your columnist John Parry deliberately objectionable in order to be controversial?

In his criticism of latest Government efforts to ban hunting (Argus, June 1) he resorts to describing MP Gordon Prentice as a "terminally duff backbencher".

Although I do not know Gordon Prentice, I note he was educated at Glasgow University and when he appeared on television recently, came across as well-informed, intelligent and articulate.

Perhaps John Parry is upset because Mr Prentice does not fit in with the stereotypical animal rights activist the hunting fraternity like to portray?

As far as Government tactics are concerned, Mr Parry seems unaware that before the election the Labour party made no secret of their anti-hunting policy and indeed that is why many people voted for them.

Since then, over 70 per cent of the population has expressed a desire to see hunting outlawed and 411 MPs voted in favour of Michael Foster's Bill which would have done so.

If the Government is to retain any credibility they must recognise the democratic will of the people and their current proposals, albeit forced upon them by Gordon Prentice's clever manoeuvre, are thus to be welcomed.

-Peter Allen, Chute Avenue, Worthing