What an angry society we live in! We already have road rage, air rage and supermarket rage. Now John Parry adds another: Media-induced rage (Argus, July 21).

I know the feeling. We're daily fed a mass of stories which boil down to human stupidity, intolerance, selfishness, greed and aggression. The more news we consume, the more horrible the world seems. And the more horrible it seems, the more addicted we become to learning how horrible it is.

Step back a bit, John. Break the cycle. Switch the TV off, cancel some of those papers. Light three or four incense sticks. Hum a soothing mantra. Fix the mind on something calm and tranquil. Meditate.

Soon you'll find that what once seemed so immediate and offensive fades into comparative insignificance. Strengthened, you can then return to face the world - perhaps even to help put it right.

-Timothy Shen, Marine Parade, Brighton