I am sure I am not the only one who found This Rough Magic over-praised, badly organised and over-hyped (Argus, August 21).

Much of the spectacle could only be appreciated by those lucky enough to have front-row seats. Little thought had been given to how much could be seen by the crowds. The problem was exacerbated by the decision to erect a large tent covering the bar in the middle of the viewing area.

While the idea of involving local groups was commendable, more time and effort should have been put into providing a coherent, fast-moving show rather than one that left most people wondering what, if anything, was happening.

Sadly, far from being an event which will become part of the collective memory of the town, it will most likely be remembered as the big disappointment of the Brighton and Hove Place to Be campaign.

-Roger Thomson, Foundary Street, Brighton