As a gay woman living with my partner, subjected to daily verbal abuse and monthly threats of physical violence against us as we go about our everyday lives, I am painfully aware of the need for a Gay Survey.

We have been the target of violent verbal abuse from large groups of football supporters being escorted through the centre of town by police, who have laughed along with them. We have been banned from Brighton Pier for holding hands and kissing on a summer's day. It is the year 2000 in a town with a large gay community, yet we are still occasionally refused service in certain shops due to our sexuality.

The survey exists to inform Brighton and Hove Council, the police and health authorities of our needs. These service providers are not aware of the true needs of gay people, as the majority of attacks against us go unreported.

We hope the results of this survey, together with the new police unit formed to work with minority groups, will go towards helping us live safely without abuse.

Until we are able to live with the same rights and protection of the law as heterosexual people, we need specific surveys regarding how our sexuality affects our lives.

-Ms J. Rae & Ms T. Shrubb, Somerhill Avenue, Hove