The comment by Telscombe Town councillor Roy Goodall that the ongoing council dispute is between the Liberal Democrats and the Independents (Opinion, Sept 5) cannot go unchallenged.

On the contrary, the differences concerning selling part of Telscombe Tye to Southern Water are between the majority of the councillors and a small clique of three or four Independent and ESRA councillors.

At the last council meeting a motion to have no further dealings with Southern Water was moved by a Liberal Democrat and seconded by an ESRA councillor. Both Lib Dems and Independents spoke with great feeling that the result of the referendum be respected.

Only three councillors were less than enthusiastic in their support of the motion to suspend dealings with Southern Water. Roy Goodall and the deputy mayor, Councillor Prince were two of these.

Roy Goodall continues to believe it is possible to campaign against the sewage treatment plant and at the same time accept the money being offered by Southern Water, an offer we now know was initiated by the council itself.

This is not an honourable position and the public are quite rightly suspicious. Even the Campaign for Residents Against Portobello (CRAP) has decided enough is enough and these councillors are no longer welcome at their meetings.

Councillor Dawn Davidson, Telscombe Town Council

-EDITOR'S COMMENT: This issue is now closed until any future, significant developments.