My apologies to the charming Brian Cooper for remaining "uncharacteristically silent" on the seafront paddling pool issue (Opinion, September 9).

But, as the Argus has recently reported, I've been in hospital with heart trouble.

No need to apologise Brian, we all say daft things from time to time. We're closing the pool because the area is to be involved in the West Pier development when it finally happens. This is very, very old news.

The fact we're spending almsot £750,000 on the new wet and dry play facilities and a new set of children's toilets and showers proves we're not exactly penny pinching here. The new facilities will be more stimulating, safer and the dry areas will be available year round.

Anyone with children's interests at heart would approve this massive investment. The Brighton and Hove Council team which has regenerated our seafront has done a fantastic job and is right on this issue, too.

-Councillor Andy Durr, Mayor, Brighton and Hove Council